Barinder S. Banwait








I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in Jennifer Balakrishnan’s group at Boston University and a Visiting Scientist at MIT. My research is funded by the Simons Foundation.

I work in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry, with a computational approach. Most of my research projects have included at least one of Sage, Magma, and PARI/GP, and some have used all three.

I also contribute to development of the L-functions and modular forms database.

Papers (most recent first)

  1. Machine Learning Approaches to the Shafarevich-Tate Group of Elliptic Curves, with Angelica Babei, AJ Fong, Xiaoyu Huang and Deependra Singh, 2024. Submitted. arxiv
  2. Torsion subgroups of elliptic curves over quadratic fields and a conjecture of Granville, with Maarten Derickx. Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium XVI, 2024. Journal Link
  3. Towards strong uniformity for isogenies of prime degree, with Maarten Derickx. 2023. Submitted. arxiv
  4. Computing nonsurjective primes associated to Galois representations of genus 2 curves, with Armand Brumer, Hyun Jong Kim, Zev Klagsbrun, Jacob Mayle, Padmavathi Srinivasan, and Isabel Vogt, 2023. Contemporary Mathematics, 796. Journal Link
  5. Modularity over C implies modularity over Q. To appear, Modularity and the Generalised Fermat Equation, 2022. arxiv.
  6. Cyclic isogenies of elliptic curves over fixed quadratic fields, with Filip Najman and Oana Padurariu, 2023. Mathematics of Computation. Journal Link. Video
  7. Explicit isogenies of prime degree over number fields, with Maarten Derickx, 2024. To appear, Algebra and Number Theory, 2024. arxiv
  8. Explicit isogenies of prime degree over quadratic fields. With an appendix written jointly with Maarten Derickx. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022. Journal link. arxiv. Video
  9. Examples of abelian surfaces failing the local-global principle for isogenies. Research in Number Theory, 7(55), 2021. Journal link. arxiv
  10. Correction: Examples of abelian surfaces failing the local-global principle for isogenies. Research in Number Theory, 8(98), 2022. Journal link.
  11. Del-pezzo surfaces over finite fields and their Frobenius traces, with Francesc Fité and Daniel Loughran. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 167(1), 35-60, 2019. Journal link. arxiv
  12. Tetrahedral elliptic curves and the local-global principle for isogenies, with John Cremona. Algebra and Number Theory, 8(5), 1201-1229, 2014. Journal link. arxiv
  13. On some Local to Global Phenomena for Abelian Varieties. PhD Thesis, University of Warwick, UK. 2013. University Link